Conversion of inches to cm and mm, centimeters to inches, tables, applications, formulas

Sooner or later, you come across the fact that some values ​​are indicated in inches. And to find out how much it is in centimeters, you need to convert inches to centimeters. You can count, find in a spreadsheet, or use a converter app.

Inches (inches), designation

Part of the world measures dimensions in inches and feet. Actually, usually meters, centimeters, millimeters are also used, but inches are more common. These are the units of measurement in the USA, Canada, Great Britain. And the rest follow them. It so happened, for example, that the diagonals of TVs, screen sizes in smartphones, pipe diameters, shoe sizes (and much more) are indicated in inches. So you have to think about how to convert inches to centimeters, meters or millimeters.

Converting inches to cm is an easy task. You just have to remember that one inch is 2.54 cm

Converting inches to centimeters (cm) is a trivial task. You just need to remember that 1 inch is 2.54 cm

First, let's talk about how these inches are designated. In English, this is inch. If there are many (inches), write inches. In the abbreviated version, only the first two letters in are used. This is found in the text. There is also a graphic image - these are two dashes at the top near the number. For example: 3 ″, 5.2 ″. It reads like 3 inches, five and two inches.

Inch in centimeters, millimeters: how much?

To convert inches to centimeters, you must remember that one inch is 2.54 cm or 25.4 mm. The figure is not so big, you can remember or write it down somewhere.

How many centimeters are in an inch? 2.54 cm

One inch is 2.54 centimeters

Sometimes numbers don't want to stay in memory. Pictures can help or you can try to imagine something of this size. Probably everyone knows the tale about Thumbelina. So, this fairy-tale character was one inch tall, that is, a little more than two and a half centimeters. Can someone help remember.

How to convert inch to centimeters

To convert inches to centimeters, you need to multiply them (inches) by 2.54. For example, you need to find out

  • 2 inches is how many centimeters: 2 ″ * 2.54 cm = 5.08 cm.

We act similarly with any other value:

  • 7 inches is 7 ″ * 2.54 cm = 17.78 cm;
  • three inches = 3 ″ * 2.54 cm = 7.62 cm;
  • 50 inches in centimeters is 50 ″ * 2.54 cm = 127 cm or 1 meter and 27 cm.

Not to count, there are tables for converting inches to centimeters. There is probably no point in telling how to use it. Everyone knows about it.

Converting inches to centimeters and millimeters (cm and mm)

Fractional inches conversion and table

But size is not always an integer. There are often tenths of the same inch. Not to say that this greatly complicates the task of converting to centimeters. You just won't find tables with such values ​​- they are too big. So, definitely, you have to count yourself. And you need to act in the same way: multiply the size in inches by 2.54 cm.

  • We convert 1.2 ″ into centimeters - 1.2 ″ * 2.54 cm = 3.048 cm or almost 3.05 cm (this is after rounding);
  • 5.7 ″ - 5.7 ″ * 2.54 cm = 14.478 cm. After rounding, we get 14.5 cm.

If the size is specified in regular fractions, the translation is a little more complicated. It is necessary to divide 2.54 cm by the denominator (this is the figure that is below) and multiply by the numerator (the figure at the top of the fraction). Let's consider some examples. This will make it clearer.

  • 3/5 ″ is converted to centimeters like this: 2.54 cm / 5 * 3 = 1.524 cm. That is, 3/5 inch is 1.52 cm.
  • 1/4 ″ in centimeters is 2.54 / 4 * 1 = 0.635 cm, which is 6.4 mm.

If the size is indicated in the form of a correct fraction, that is, there is an integer and fractional part - 2 1/3 ″ or 5 3/8 ″, to say how many it is in centimeters, multiply the whole part by 2.54, and with the fractional part we proceed as described above. Let's consider some examples:

  • 3 4/7 ″ must be converted to centimeters. First, we translate the whole part. It's 3 ″. We multiply this figure by 2.54 cm. 3 ″ * 2.54 cm = 7.62 cm. Next we translate the fractional part: 4/7 ″ is 2.54 / 7 * 4 = 1.45 cm. And now we add both results: 7 .62 cm + 1.45 cm = 9.07 cm. That is, 3 4/7 ″ equals 9.07 cm.
  • Let's translate another 2 2/3 inches. Whole part - 2 ″ * 2.54 cm = 5.08 cm. Fractional 2/3 ″ - 2.54 cm / 3 * 2 = 1.69 cm.Total: 5.08 cm + 1.69 cm = 6 , 77 cm.

All these operations are not difficult. You will need a calculator, which is available on any phone. If you don't even want to count on a calculator, there are tables in which the most common values ​​are indicated. They can also be saved on your phone or printed out. In general, as you like.

Reverse translation: centimeters to inches

Less often we need to convert centimeters to inches, but such tasks also occur. There are two ways. First: divide centimeters by 2.54 and get the value in those same inches. Second: you need to remember how many inches are in one centimeter (0.39 ″ in 1 cm) and multiply the centimeters by this number when translating.

Which is the best way? First. There are two reasons. The first is that it's easier to keep one number in mind. Second, this method gives a more accurate result. Simply, when displaying the figure 0.39, the value was rounded, which increases the error. To illustrate, let's do a couple of translations.

How to convert centimeters to inches: two ways

Two ways to convert cm to inches

It is necessary to convert 27.6 cm to inches. Let's do it in two ways:

  • 27.6 cm / 2.54 cm = 10.86 ″.
  • 27.6 cm * 0.39 = 10.76 ″.

As you can see, there is a difference. This is exactly the error that we talked about. If you need a more accurate value, it is better to use the first method. It is more accurate.

Let's see another example. Convert 100 cm to inches.

  • 100 cm / 2.54 = 39.37 ″;
  • 100 cm * 0.39 = 39.0 ″.

As you can see, there is a rather large margin of error. So if precision is important, use the division method.

Applications to convert inches to centimeters and back

Using the calculator on your phone to convert inches to centimeters is the easiest. There are many more applications that allow you to do this almost automatically. All you need is to go to the Play Store and enter a query in the search bar: the conversion of inches to centimeters. About a dozen applications are dropped.

Convert inches to centimeters on your phone using apps

You can put an inch to cm converter on your phone

There are those that convert only inches to centimeters or millimeters, and there are those with the ability to convert different values. All work adequately, you need to choose the one that is more convenient for you. In general, they work according to the same principle. First, choose what you translate into, then drive in the number that you want to translate. The required value is displayed on the screen. The truth is simple.

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